Streamline Expense Management with BEWISE App

Are you tired of manual expense tracking and approval processes? Look no further!

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Expense Management App is designed to streamline your expense tracking and management process. This innovative solution is built using Model-Driven Power Apps and Dataverse, ensuring robust data management and seamless integration with your existing systems.

  • User-Friendly Experience:
    • Employees and managers can effortlessly submit expenses via our intuitive canvas power app.
    • Accessible on both mobile and desktop devices.
    • Seamlessly integrates with SharePoint for secure data storage.
  • Efficient Accounting:
    • Our model-driven app, powered by Dataverse, handles administrative tasks.
    • Syncs essential data from SharePoint, ensuring accuracy and real-time updates.
    • Approvals, reporting, and analytics—all in one place.
  • Simplicity:
    Submit expenses hassle-free
  • Data Integrity:
    Reliable storage and synchronization.
  • Streamlined Workflow:
    Faster approvals and better insights.
Technologies Employed

The expense management app is implemented with a combination of canvas power apps, SharePoint, model-driven apps and Dataverse.

The user application for employees and managers (both the mobile and the desktop versions) is implemented with a canvas power app that uses SharePoint for data storage.

The administrative application for the accounting is implemented with a model-driven app that uses Dataverse and syncs the necessary data from SharePoint.

Power Apps Icon
Sharepoint Icon

Experience the future of expense management with our new app. Simplify your processes, enhance accuracy, and gain valuable insights into your financial operations. Get started today and take control of your expenses like never before!

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Contact Bewise today and get a free consultation and demo of the App